General Information

Thank you for your interest in the visiting clerkships at the BIDMC Harvard Psychiatry Residency affiliated institutions. Typically, we offer visiting clerkship opportunities for third and fourth year Harvard Medical Students and visiting clerkships to medical students in their fourth year of US accredited medical schools.

The BIDMC-Harvard Psychiatry Residency Training Program strongly encourages medical students interested in pursuing careers in psychiatry to participate in one of our visitng student rotations through Harvard Medical School. If you are interested, please feel free to reach out to Associate Program Director Tim Scarella (, 617-667-8347) to discuss your interest or with any questions on how to apply for a visiting clerkship. 

If you would like to apply for a visiting clerkship, please contact the Harvard Medical School Registrar’s Office which can also help with available housing.

Opportunity for Students from Backgrounds Historically Underrepresented in Medicine

Harvard Medical School offers support for students who identify as having a background in, or having strong support of, underrepresented and disadvantaged populations through the Visiting Clerkship Program (VCP). The VCP provides financial support, opportunities for mentoring and networking, and a stipend for students doing a one-month visiting elective at Harvard Medical School clinical sites, including BIDMC. For more information and instructions on how to apply, visit their website.

Opportunity for Summer Research Fellowship (MS1)

Our summer reearch fellowships are intended to increase diversity and representation within the field of biomedical research in psychiatry. They offer an opportunity for US medical students who are either from diverse backgrounds themselves, or are engaged in efforts to improve diversity in the field, to become familiar with academic research in psychiatry. These fellowships provide funding and housing for 8 weeks of research, typically between the 1st and 2nd years of medical school. You can read the brochure here and apply here



Medical Students